When it comes to interviews and building your career, the two most daunting questions in my opinion happen right at the beginning, and right at the end: “Tell me about yourself ” and “Do you have any questions?“

What makes them so daunting is that not only are they really general, but there isn’t one right way to answer them. Today we’ll be tackling the first one – Tell me about yourself.
Tip 1: Look at the job description
While the question is about you, it’s also about the job. It’s a way to figure out if you’re the right fit for the position. Ask yourself, where is there overlap in the role that is connected to your passions/life? I like to print out the job description and highlight the areas that are most relevant to my passions and personal life. For example, when I was applying to my role at Adobe, the position involved travel, working internationally, and connecting with people from all over the world. I majored in International Business, and one of my favorite hobbies is traveling (I’ve been to 20+ countries). You see the connection.
Don’t: Repeat what’s on your resume. Your interviewer has already read your resume – that’s how you got to the actual interview! Don’t make the mistake of repeating what’s on your resume. “Tell me about yourself” is an opportunity to add to how they view your personal brand.
Tip 2: Determine what aspects of yourself you want to highlight

You might feel that there are a lot of areas you could focus on. I know that I had all sorts of paths I could take when establishing my personal brand with the interviewer. Once you have your highlighted job description, you can figure out what aspects of yourself you want to highlight. There should be a common theme or thread connecting your answer together. When picking the theme you want to highlight, you can ask yourself the following questions:
- How can I be more memorable when compared to other interviewees?
- What is something that shows that I’m perfect for this position (on a professional, but also personal level)?
- What didn’t I get to highlight in my resume that is important to know about me?
Tip 3: Wrap it into a quote or story.

Sometimes the best way to kick off an answer is with what I like to call the “opening paragraph.” The opening paragraph is a story or a quote that can help set the scene for what you’re going to share. But I will disclaimer this and say you need to be careful about the delivery – if not executed properly, it can come across as being a little cheesy. For quotes, you may already have a quote that you feel describes you. If not, check out the quotes section on Pinterest for ideas.
Tip 4: When in doubt : “There’s so much to tell you… where should I start?”
When I heard this suggestion in my professional development class, I found it quite odd. My initial reaction was to think, “are you unprepared?” But when I actually thought about it, I realized it can be a smart way to figure out what exactly your interviewer wants to know. Is it hobbies? Is it professional interests? I will admit that this is the riskier option, but if you haven’t had much time to study the potential position or company, it can be a good path to take.
I’m hoping to come up with more career content in the next couple of weeks! Leave a comment below with that you want to read about.

Oh my gosh! This is so relevant for anyone in the job hunt right now. Loved the tip about not repeating what’s on your resume. The “tell me about yourself” question is definitely the opportunity to set yourself apart from other candidates!
xo, emma
Thanks for reading Emma! Hoping to inspire people on the job hunt!
I’m currently on the job hunt so this is super helpful! Bookmarking this 🙂
xo, Tina
Thank you Tina! Hope your job hunt goes well 🙂
This is really helpful! I used to get so intimated about saying the wrong things at interviews.
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Hope you like it too!