I’m going to be totally honest, on most Sundays my social calendar is completely booked with visitors, day trips, or travel. “Sleepy Sunday” with Netflix and pancakes just isn’t how I roll. But here’s the deal – when I can – Sunday evenings include a complete routine that gets me ready for my work week. I’m a firm believer in the importance of starting the week in the right mindset to totally #killit. Keep reading for 3 tips for Prepping for Work on Sundays.
Tip 1: Meal Prep & Plan

Grocery shopping on the weekend (specifically Sunday) is a HUGE waste of time. Fruits and veggies are picked over, everywhere (Costco I’m looking at you) is a zoo, and just trying to stock up on food for the week feels like attending a concert. I tend to either do my grocery shopping on Mondays after work.
On Sundays I plan what I’m going to make for the next week and make a grocery list. If I’m completely out of food in the fridge by Sunday night, Monday I’ll eat lunch at work or bring something simple like pasta. Planning a week in advance allows me to stress less about what I’m going to eat the rest of the week.
Tip 2: Set intentions for the week

On Sundays I look at my calendar (work and personal) to see what’s going on the next week. 5 meetings back to back on Wednesday? Plan to bring lunch from home and wear something comfortable. Thinking about these little details ahead of time will help you avoid the “oh my gosh what is happening?? My brain is short circuiting” reaction.
I also ask myself “what do I want to accomplish this week?” Making that checklist is so fulfilling. It helps me get in the mindset for accomplishing a week’s worth of tasks whether its for blogging, seeing friends, or work.
Tip 3: Check the weather and plan your attire

In California weather can change drastically over the course of a week. There is nothing worse than running around frantically in the morning looking for things to wear. I find that when that happens (aka I’m unprepared) I’m in the wrong mindset when I get to work. On Sundays I’ll check the weather and take a quick look at my closet to see what the options are. I don’t plan all my outfits, but at least I have an idea of the potential looks I can create.
Thanks for reading our 3 tips for prepping for work on Sunday! How do you get in work mode?


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I also like to use my Sundays to reset and plan meals/outfits, that is when Netflix doesn’t draw me in! I’ll try out number two next week.
I seriously need to do this, will destress my week completely!