‘Tis the season for cozy sweaters, Hallmark movies, and cute holiday photos. We’re also entering January (Capricorn season) and I am thriving. Despite living in California, something about a puffer and beanie just makes me feel some sort of way! This season I’m sharing holiday photo ideas to try with friends in case you’re drawing a blank on how to pose!
Holiday Photo Idea #1: Play with ornaments at the Christmas Tree Farm

What I love about this one is whether you’re at a legit Christmas tree farm or in your local Christmas tree parking lot, you just need to grab a few ornaments, your friend, and cute outfits. Make sure you pick plastic ornaments (so they don’t break).
Tip: Try different ways of throwing the ornaments – we found that what works best are throwing them up or throwing them up and out (almost towards the camera).
Holiday Photo Idea #2: Get hot chocolate in festive cups + coordinate outfits

Another of my favorites that is also do-able from anywhere (or anywhere there’s a Starbucks) is the festive cup and coordinated outfit. Also technically you don’t need to be coordinated, but it just adds a little je ne sais quoi to the photo.
Holiday Photo Idea #3: “Go Christmas Shopping”

One of my favorite local San Diego boutiques (Green Gardens Nursery) always does a fabulous job of decorating their store and stocking adorable Christmas decor / stocking stuffers. This makes for the perfect photo backdrop without the work of decorating your entire house. It’s also a great way to multi-task (do some shopping + get cute photos!)
Holiday Photo Idea #4: Pose in front of a cute holiday installation

I’ve found that malls often have Instagrammable photo corners during the holidays. This set up was at one of our local outdoor malls (One Paseo). Again – you get extra brownie points for color coordinating!
Photos by Julie de Andrade Photography. Shout out to my friend Molly from Mind Over Molly for the fun holiday photo shoot!