Today marks day 6 of being in quarantine. I am so grateful and blessed to have a job that allows me to work from home during these scary and stressful times. As a blogger, I am used to spending my weekends shooting content out and about, writing articles in cafes, and catching up with friends. California is now on a “stay at home” policy, so that’s no longer an option. Luckily, there are a lot of things that you can work on without leaving your house! Keep reading for 6 things you can do at home.
1. Update your old content

This is a good time to re-review “oldies but goodies.” Have an article you wrote a few years ago? Re-visit it, edit, and refresh!
I’ve gone back and edited old travel guides (where I discovered new spots) and career development articles with new insights. I also like to pin old content so that it has an opportunity to get a fresh set of eyes on Pinterest.
2. Work on backlogged projects

We all have this list – the things we would love to do if only we had more time. For example – re-brand your website, update your about page, or finally launch that newsletter!
3. Engage more with your community

Being stuck at home (especially during a time of international crisis) is a great time to support your friends and fellow creatives. ENGAGE with your community. Answer more stories, support small businesses, reach out to friends. Be a friend. A lot of people need that right now.
4. Get creative at home

I’m the first person to hop in the car when I can and visit a new city just to go and create content. That doesn’t mean you can’t be creative right at home. The photos from this post were taken in my backyard, and it gave me an extra push to be creative!
5. Do some spring cleaning
I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of clothes. Go through you closet, and start a “to donate” pile. Then have fun re-organizing your clothes! For more specific tips on spring cleaning, check out our article:
6. Explore a new social media platform

Been thinking about trying Pinterest, or maybe TikTok? Dabble in exploring a new social media platform. Personally, my big focus right now is TikTok (fun fact: I had my first video go viral with 300K+ views last month!)
How are you handling the quarantine? What tips do you have for staying busy?

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