Road tripping during COVID-19 provides a safe and socially distanced option for those itching to travel. Since March 2020, I have road tripped from San Diego to Utah, Nevada, and all over Southern California. Here are my top tips from my travel experiences to help you plan a safe and stress-free road trip, wherever you go! PS: Make sure you’re following the CDC guidelines set by your city/ state.
1. PLAN with a detailed itinerary
This isn’t the time to be *completely* spontaneous. Some activities, hotels & restaurants may not be open. Plan each stop before you leave (& make sure they’re open!) when road tripping during COVID-19.
Pro Tip: I recommend calling each place you’ll be visiting – whether it be a restaurant, hotel, or activity. Sometimes information listed on their site may not be up to date.

2. Call ahead about BATHROOMS
No joke – on my last road trip, we stopped at 3 different gas stations before we finally found one that was open. Don’t waste time – just call ahead!
And while we’re on the topic of bathrooms – bring gloves and cleaning supplies in with you.

Extra face masks, Lysol wipes, gloves & hand sanitizer is a must. Be prepared to sanitize any rental car, hotel, or shared space you use on your road trip.

4. Get your food TO GO
Depending on where you’re visiting, there are different rules when it comes to restaurants. Some places allow indoor seating, some are outdoor only, and some are to-go only. It all also depends on the rules of that area. Play it safe by ordering food to go! Again, call or Google ahead of time to see what places are open and their hours.
Pro Tip: If you’re on the road and don’t want to eat in the car, search for a park or outdoor seating area to enjoy your meal.

5. Opt for LESS CROWDED Destinations
Something like the desert or a national park is a safe option over a metropolitan city or popular tourist attractions. If you’re in the American Southwest, I can highly recommend Arches National Park, Zion National Park, and Bryce Canyon National Park.
6. Don’t forget the DAY TRIP option!
Afraid of booking a hotel or Airbnb? Research day trip destinations located within 1-3 hours from you! (And PS you can try car camping too!) If you’re in the Bay Area, check out our blog post with 11 day trips ideas.