Alternate title: “My favorite things: fall edition.” PS the following activities are great for girl dates too (in fact they might be more fun with your squad… but then again boys take note– if you recommend going apple picking you’ll be the talk of the girl squad group chat– in a good way). For today’s post I got to collaborate with Chelsea of Chelsea Bree Photography to bring you my “five favorite fall date ideas” for wherever you are in the world.
1. Sipping on hot chocolate (or cider) at Storyville Coffee

Disclaimer: I’m not really into the whole cider scene. But if you can swing that, cider is a notch up when it comes to fall festivities. Hot chocolate is a borderline fall to winter transition drink (so I’m kind of cheating) but I just love getting cozy in a coffee shop with a cup and a gooey snack.

My new go to coffee shop in Seattle (right in Pike’s Place!) is Storyville Coffee. It gets bonus points for having a great view of the market and comfortable seating.
2. Smelling the fall flowers at Pike Place Market

It’s hard to go wrong with a bouquet of flowers, especially ones that are a mix of orange/red/yellow. They are just so festive and perfect for the dining room table. They make me want to jump in a pile of leaves. Pike Place has a million great options, but if you aren’t in Seattle I’m sure your local flower shop can give you a hand.
3. Go on a day trip to the U-pick Apple Orchards

Apple picking. Apple pie. All apple everything. Oh, and an apple a day keeps the DR away. You can’t go wrong with something apple related. I’ll be honest and say I haven’t had a chance to go apple picking yet this year. But it is so on my to-do list. There’s nothing more therapeutic than walking through an apple orchard (hand holding optional) and gathering tasty fruit.
Check out the 5 best U-pick orchards in Seattle featured here.
4. Pick a pumpkin at the pumpkin patch

I think this is the fall basic girl mascot. I mean your newsfeed is probably full of girls in oversized sweaters holding pumpkins in a pumpkin field– I’m one of them #noshame. There’s a thousand great things to say about pumpkins, and I may have gone overboard this year with my purchase of 3 for a 600 sqft. apartment but they’re just great for ringing in the holiday cheer.
I love those farms in the country that turn pumpkin picking into a whole event. You can take a hay ride, and walk through a pumpkin field while sizing up the pumpkin options.
5. Jumping in a pile of leaves

Don’t be afraid to let out your inner child. I will say this one might take a little effort since people don’t tend to leave perfect jumping piles around. For those of you that might not be feeling as motivated, I also love walking through neighborhoods where all the leaves have changed colors with a tea in hand.
Thanks for reading my 5 fall date ideas! What are your fall go-to outings?