Saludos a todos desde Buenos Aires (aka Greetings from Buenos Aires y’all). I am so excited to finally be here after a Christmas Night flight to Lima, a layover full of stuffed alpacas, and another flight to the final destination: BA.
On my first day here I have to admit that I went all out– visiting the famous Cemetario de la Recoleta, the San Telmo Feria, and quite a few other things on the way. I’ve made it my mission to not only capture pictures of the important things in BA (that’s how the locals say Buenos Aires), but to capture the essence and soul of the city. Think artsy angles.
The Cemetario:
The San Telmo Feria:

The Obelisco:
I also made quite a few little hilarious observations that I’d love to share.
Observation 1: Avoid the dripping ACs on every block that will make it feel like a drizzling of dirty agua.
Observation 2: There is no such thing as iced coffee. However, there is “cafe frio” which I would basically call chilled coffee sans ice. Think Starbs after you forget about your iced coffee for a while.
Observation 3: Empanadas and Pizza are a thing. In my mind empanadas are what I go for when I’m feeling my latino roots (honorary) and Pizza is for when I’m feeling v. Italian. Overall, not a bad combo.
And because it was a UV index of 4, 87 degrees with a humidity that made it feel like 95, I sported my Brandy dress with my Converse.
Ciao for now!